Thursday, August 14, 2008


The boys came over yesterday for a visit with Timmi. We had a little time to rip out more of the bumper pad. Each little square is now being pulled apart. She wants a dark blue to go in between.
Tim put the finish on my drawer topper for when I quilt This is just too cool. The quilts will lat flat and not drag in the front as well on the side and back. There is plenty of room. Tim put these pieces of wood that fit down into the drawer, the top won't fall off while I am sewing. He is so smart.
I can tell you this walking/exercising is putting a big time dent in my sewing. Not to sure if I like this. Of course I am running late in the morning I have been staying up late. But I am going to continue and see if it is really going to make a difference. I keep saying to Tim "my legs hurt"he answers me saying that is good .. lol it is working. I walked today for 30 minures and 1.6 miles.

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